Giselle's Art Classes - Art Studio ... for the love of Art - Australia

Giselle's Art Studio - Original Works of Art

Watercolour Painting - Rainforest (sold)

Here to stay

Original Works of Art - Painting by Giselle

Title: Rainforest - Here to stay - Watercolour Painting on Archer's Paper - 560 x 760mm

Rainforest - Here to stay

Here to stay - rainforest, by Giselle

Here to stay - Among Friends

Among friends, calming serenity
stillness, interrupted by sounds of life

A light breeze freshens the mind
the eye becomes mellow

The perception is peace
The awareness is happiness

We may as well stay here
no need to turn around or shift the gaze

This is reality at a personal level

Among friends, tall, proud trees, protective canopy
everlasting, here to stay, growing, transforming, providing,
overwhelming bliss, in the realm of possibilities
as real as everything else.

Macro Cosmos - Micro Cosmos all in One
there is so much to learn
one stone, one leaf, one insect,
picking out minute details
all perfect, on all levels

Among friends,
the trees, the forest, the mountains, the sea,
the animals and the people
all a matter of perspective among friends



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