giselle - art project - colours and shapes

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Welcome to the Gallery and Studio of Giselle

art project - colours and shapes

a bit of a Mondrian


gallery - open by appointment only

Gold Coast Hinterland - Canungra - Queensland - Australia


to order a painting or visit the gallery - please contact Giselle



click painting or text to enlarge picture and more details - Copyright © Giselle Luske



Shapes and colours -

Shapes and Colours - a bit of a Mondrian

Free Style Reproduction of a well know pattern.

The creative goal is to expose it on a wall of a private house.


Shapes and colours -



Shapes and colours - on a wall


second view - exposed - nailed to the wall of a house - still for sale...


 - art web-site and studio - gallery - copyright © Giselle Luske - All rights reserved - web-site by Dieter Luske